Why Penny and Leonard don’t Work in Real Life (or) If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of Your Life, Make a Geeky Woman Your Wife

As I’ve said several times in the past, I’m really into The Big Bang Theory, it’s got to be one of the most realistic shows relating to nerd/geek culture out there, in spite of th…

Source: Why Penny and Leonard don’t Work in Real Life (or) If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of Your Life, Make a Geeky Woman Your Wife

For Geeks, When Harry met Sally is more Accurate than the Big Bang Theory or How Geeky Guys can Find a Relationship

It’s no secret that I love the Big Bang Theory. While idiots or self-hating geeks might call it “Blackface for nerds” I can say that I’ve met the real-life versions of almos…

Source: For Geeks, When Harry met Sally is more Accurate than the Big Bang Theory or How Geeky Guys can Find a Relationship

“So did we just see the modern equivalent of the Fingerpoke of Doom” (or) “Why I hate Triple H summed up in one video”

As I’ve said a long time ago, in addition to being a big action figure collector, I also enjoy comics and I like pro wrestling as well and would like to use this site to cover ALL things in geekdom not just toys. I’ve been meaning to make a couple of wrestling related v-logs for a while but I just never got around to it. Thing is though, I was so horrified and disgusted with the ending of Summerslam this year that something within me snapped and I just had to share my thoughts (via the following rant).

In case you missed it (and I’m sure you did if you don’t like wrestling), Daniel Bryan, a GOD among smarks (“smart marks” which is something I’ll explain sometime down the road to those of you unfamiliar with the term) finally won the WWE title only to be screwed by the dastardly Randy Orton and Triple H. Marks (casual fans who don’t know about the behind-the-scenes stories and politics) got excited for the new storyline while some of us smarks thought it was horrible. The thing is though, I’m the only smark I know who is upset with the new storyline to the point that I’m calling it out and saying it’s the new “fingerpoke of doom” for pro wrestling and that it could very well be the thing that will kill pro wrestling off once and for all (at least as far as it being on network TV is concerned).
So what is the “fingerpoke of doom” and what would I say it is the best example of Triple H (said man behind the modern day fingerpoke of doom) being an insecure asshole who ruined wrestling? Keep reading to find out!

Continue reading

V-Log 05/16/2013: Star Trek: Into Darkness Review

So here’s my review of Star Trek: Into Darkness. Personally I liked this movie better when it was called The Wrath of Khan, but what can you do?

V-Log 03/04/2013: Iron Man 3 Review (with Spoilers)

So here’s my review of Iron Man 3 with spoilers. If you want to check out my spoiler-free version, just go to my Youtube page, I have that version there.


V-Log 4-06-2013: Double Review of OZ: Great and Powerful and G.I. Joe Retaliation

So here’s my DOUBLE review of Oz: Great and Powerful and GI Joe Retaliation. And yes, I know these movies have been out a while but I got kind of busy with work and things like that but hey, it’s better late than never, right?

Also, I’m looking to get away from Blip and will be posting more videos on Youtube since Blip doesn’t seem to be a big fan of Transformers and other Plastic Crack.

Here’s Part 1:

And Part 2:

V-Log 03/01/2013: The Last Exorcism Part II Review

In which I rant (almost) as much as Spoony did in his Ultima 9 review. Easily the worst and most disappointing movie I’ve seen since Prometheus.


V-Log 01/12/2012: Les Miserables Review

So I finally got around to seeing Les Miserables today, was it a movie that will have viewers dreaming a dream of how great it is or will it make you miserable? Find out below!!!



V-Log 01/07/2013: Silver Linings Playbook

So I’m back after a four-month hiatus with new reviews, the first being Silver Linings Playbook. Check it out below!!!
